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Welcome to Kate’s Quickies where you get one link, maybe two to help you on your writing journey. You’re busy. Quickies are all about one link to grab and go so you can get on with your writing and your life.

Sorry for my absence. I’ve been recuperating from procedures on both legs to resolve some issues I’ve been having with chronic venous and deep vein insufficiency. Before the procedures my husband said that my poor little knees looked like I had cantaloupes sitting on top of them. He wasn’t being insensitive, he was being accurate:) Now that my blood flow has been restored the cantaloupes are gone. A few days ago I cardio exercised for the first time in sixteen weeks and it felt terrific. I’ll need to take it slow cardio-wise in order to get back to my old healthy/active self so expect to see some healthy living posts coming soon. Other than that, I’m feeling great and back to my regular work/write/life routines.

Today I’m taking you to The Write Practice http://thewritepractice.com/

Are you drifting away from the writing practice you began in the New Year? Here’s why resolutions really don’t work for writing or dieting and what to do about it:


Do you know the proper way to use an ellipsis? Hmmm…


and since I told you about my scary legs, how about Writing About What Scares You? http://thewritepractice.com/scares-you/
Enjoy! Have a happy, healthy weekend!
